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- ; This batch file creates a plot of the impulse response and the
- ; frequency response of a notch filter, as described in the section
- ; on Infinite Impulse Response filters in Chapter 13, "Signal Processing",
- ; of _Using IDL_.
- @sigprc13.bat ; Load the coefficients for the notch filter.
- na = N_ELEMENTS(A)-1 ; degree of denominator polynomial
- nb = N_ELEMENTS(B)-1 ; degree of numerator polynomial
- N = 1024L
- ; set the input u to an impulse
- U(0) = FLOAT(N)
- Y(0) = B(2)*U(0) / A(na)
- FOR K = 1, N-1 DO $ ; compute filtered signal recursively
- Y(K) = ( TOTAL( B(nb-K>0:nb )*U(K-nb>0:K ) ) $
- - TOTAL( A(na-K>0:na-1)*Y(K-na>0:K-1) ) ) / A(na)
- V = FFT(Y) ; compute spectrum v
- F = FINDGEN(N/2+1) / (N*delt) ; f = [0.0, 1.0/(N*delt), ... , 1.0/(2.0*delt)]
- mag = ABS(V(0:N/2)); magnitude of first half of v
- phi = ATAN(V(0:N/2)) ; phase of first half of v
- ; log plots of magnitude in dB and phase in degrees
- !P.MULTI = [0, 1, 2, 0, 0] ; set up for two plots in window
- PLOT, F, 20*ALOG10(mag), YTITLE='Magnitude in dB', $
- XTITLE='Frequency in cycles / second', $
- /XLOG, XRANGE=[1.0,1.0/(2.0*delt)], XSTYLE=1, $
- TITLE='Frequency Response Function of b(z)/a(z)'
- PLOT, F, phi/!DTOR, YTITLE='Phase in degrees', $
- YRANGE=[-180,180], YSTYLE=1, YTICKS=4, YMINOR=3, $
- XTITLE='Frequency in cycles / second', /XLOG, $
- XRANGE=[1.0,1.0/(2.0*delt)], XSTYLE=1
- !P.MULTI = 0